Edge Spectrum Handed Late License Renewal Fine


A major licensee of low-power television stations could be required to pay a fine for the late submission of renewal applications for two properties, located in Sacramento and in Bend, Ore., respectively.



Video Division Chief Barbara Kreisman upheld the suggested $3,000 fine handed to Edge Spectrum on the grounds that being roughly six weeks late is a problem, and there are no excuses for the tardiness.

As the FCC explained, the application for renewal of the licenses should have been filed by August 1, 2022 for KMSX-LD in Sacramento and by October 3, 2022 for K36OG-D in Bend, Ore.

However, Edge Spectrum did not file the KMSX-LD license renewal application until September 12, 2022; the K36OG-D renewal application was not filed until November 14, 2022. Edge Spectrum provided no explanation for its delay.