Delivering OTA Software Updates Via The ATSC 3.0 Wireless Net


Behind the scenes, broadcasters have significant outreach to automotive companies. To support broadcast TV industry efforts, the ATSC has set up Implementation Team No. 8 to accelerate collaboration between broadcasters, automotive organizations and collaborative spectrum providers.

As such, the ATSC Automotive Implementation Team (IT8) is holding a webinar on delivering OTA software updates using the ATSC 3.0 wireless network.

IT8 is an ATSC implementation forum for the broadcast and automotive industries to collaborate on opportunities to enhance data delivery to vehicles with ATSC 3.0 spectrum.

“One of the most promising business opportunities to move NextGen Broadcast (ATSC 3.0)
Datacasting forward is by becoming a wireless data pipe for the next generation of automobiles,” the organization says.

Both industries are progressing towards this goal.

“This panel brings together key voices from the broadcast and automotive worlds to discuss the current state of play,” ATSC notes.

Topics will include connected car, state of ATSC 3.0 deployment in vehicles, the need for industry scale, and collaboration between all parties.

At the conclusion of this event, IT8 Chair Mark Barrington will briefly explain the role of IT8, its importance and how to join in its collaborative work.

Topics covered in the webinar will include:

• Intro to Automotive OTA updates
• Overview of the Connected Car Space
• Overview of OTA Software Updates
• Why it matters
• Who is doing it?
• End-to-end technology overview of OTA Software Update
• ATSC 3.0 for Automotive Overview
• Benefits and Key Use Cases
• Software OTA using ATSC 3.0
• Need for cross industry collaboration
• The role of ATSC IT8 (Automotive)
• Audience Q&A

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