They danced their feet off and the excitement and fun showed. Fans wanted to know the final tally on how ‘Dancing With the Stars’ did in the ratings.
ABC’s “Dancing” Finales Finish in the Top 10 for the Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49, while “The Bachelorette” is a Top 10 Show with Key Women.
ABC is No. 2 for the May Sweep in Young Adults and No. 1 in Key Women.
ABC is Monday’s Most-Watched Net on Each of the Final 10 Weeks of the Season.
“Dancing with the Stars” Wins its Time Slot in Viewers and Adults 18-49 on All 10 Telecasts this Season, Standing as Monday’s Most-Watched TV Show Overall.
The “Dancing” Finale Produces ABC’s Most-Watched Tuesday in 6 Months. Dominating its 2-Hour Time Slot with Viewers, “DWTS the Results Show” Closer. Posts its Most-Competitive Finish Ever to the Tuesday Finale of “American Idol”.
“DWTS the Results Show” Generates ABC’s Second-Biggest Audience in the Time Slot This Season and its Highest Adult 18-49 Number in Nearly 4 Months.
Up by 1.4 Million Viewers and by 50% in Adults 18-49 Year to Year, ABC Marks Its Top Season-Ending Wednesday in 3 Years with its Broadcast of “Transformers”.
WEEK No. 36:
During the week spanning the final 3 nights of the TV Season and May Sweep leading into the extended Memorial Day holiday weekend (w/o 5/24/10), ABC’s “Dancing” season finales finished in the Top 10 TV shows among both Total Viewers and Adults 18-49: “Dancing with the Stars” – No. 3/No. 6 and “DWTS the Results Show” – No. 4/No. 7.
For the 2nd week in a row ABC was up from the same week last year (w/o 5/25/09), growing year to year by 2.2 million viewers (6.4 million vs. 4.2 million) and by 23% in Adults 18-49 (1.6/5 vs. 1.3/4).
2010 May Sweep (Complete – Most Current): ABC finished No. 2 to an “Idol”-driven Fox in May 2010 among Adults 18-49 (2.7/8), its 2nd straight year to earn second place for the month. ABC ranked No. 1 on Thursday (4th straight year) and Sunday (6th straight year) nights during the month in Adults 18-49, placing 5 of the Top 12 TV series for the Sweep in the key young adult sales demo.
Retaining nearly all of its “DWTS” lead-in (97%) among Women 18-34 (3.8/11 vs. 3.9/12),
“The Bachelorette” posted ABC’s highest rating in the time-slot in 6 weeks – since 4/12/10. “The Bachelorette” was up over its year-ago season premiere by 5% in Total Viewers (9.1 million vs. 8.7 million on 5/18/09).
Tuesday with the 10th-season closer of “Dancing,” ABC nearly tied Fox with its Tuesday finale of “Idol” into “Glee” as the most-watched network (pacing within 300k viewers – 15.4 million vs. 15.7 million) on the final Tuesday of the TV Season. ABC considerably narrowed the gap with Fox from the year-ago season-finale Tuesday (900k on 5/19/09). Also on the night, ABC outdrew CBS with its drama finales (“NCIS”/”NCIS: LA”/”The Good Wife”) by 2.0 million viewers (13.4 million), and NBC with “The Biggest Loser” and “Parenthood” finales by 6.7 million viewers (8.7 million).
ABC generated its most-watched Tuesday in 6 months – since 11/24/09.
“DWTS the Results Show” (9:00-11:00 p.m.) In its 10th-season finale from 9:00-11:00 p.m., ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars the Results Show” produced season-high numbers on the night in both Total Viewers (18.4 million) and Adults 18-49 (3.9/11).
The “Dancing” finale dominated all 4 of its half-hours in Total Viewers to stand as the second-most-watched TV program of the night to “American Idol.” In fact “DWTS the Results Show” finale posted its most-competitive finish ever to the finale of “Idol-Tuesday,” running within 1.7 million viewers and shrinking the gap year to year by 1.8 million viewers.
Singer, songwriter, actress and the lead singer of “The Pussycat Dolls” Nicole Scherzinger won the coveted Mirror Ball trophy.
Soaring during its second hour from 10:00-11:00 p.m., “DWTS the Results Show” outdrew its combined network competition, original drama finales on CBS (“The Good Wife”) and NBC (“Parenthood”), by 2.6 million viewers (19.2 million vs. 16.6 million) and topped second-place NBC by 65% in Adults 18-49 (4.3/12 vs. 2.6/7).
“Dancing with the Stars the Results Show” season ender produced ABC’s second-biggest audience in the 2-hour time period this season, while generating its highest Adult 18-49 number in nearly 4 months (since 2/2/10).
This season ‘Dancing With The Stars’ was a hit. Fans be proud.