Comment Dates Confirmed For Station License NPRM


WASHINGTON — It wasn’t exactly a pre-holiday data dump, but the FCC certainly had a lot of documents to distribute in the hours before the Independence Day wind down.

One of them was a Public Notice that offered detailed on the comment deadlines for a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on an amendment of the Commission’s rules regarding the posting of station licenses.

The FCC on May 10 at its Open Meeting released a NPRM in MB Docket No. 18-121 that proposes to eliminate or streamline provisions in Parts 0, 1, 5, 73, and 74 of the Commission’s rules.

These Parts mandate the posting and maintenance of broadcast licenses and authorization information in specific locations, including the physical cite of broadcast facilities.

The Commission set deadlines for filing comments and reply comments at 30 and 45 days, respectively, after publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register.

A summary of the NPRM was published on Monday (7/2).

Accordingly, comments must be submitted no later than August 1.
Reply comments must be submitted no later than August 15.

Commenters must follow the filing instructions provided in paragraph 15 of the NPRM.