Comment Dates Affirmed For FCC FM Digital Power Proposal


WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the publication on Tuesday of an Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would allow the FCC to update its FM and LPFM rules to give HD multicast signals the ability to boost their power output, a Comment Date and Reply Comment Date is now in place.

The NPRM, adopted by the FCC on July 31, gives licensees of FMs and LPFMs additional flexibility in increasing digital power levels.

Now, the Commission is open for comment on specific rule revisions that will update the methodology for a digital FM or LPFM applicant to calculate the maximum permissible digital power level, and to allow asymmetric power operation on the digital sidebands.

The NPRM set deadlines for filing comments and reply comments at 30 and 45 days, respectively, after publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register.

As such, the following schedule has been adopted:

Comments must be submitted no later than September 21, 2023.
Reply Comments must be submitted no later than October 6, 2023.

Commenters should follow the filing instructions provided in paragraph 35 of the NPRM.
The NPRM is also available on the Commission’s website,