Friday, October 4, 2024

Gray Growth Strategy in Motion

Quarter after quarter Gray Television seems to report gaudy comps
SBG / Sinclair Broadcast Group

Growing Sinclair Heaps on Revenue

One way to avoid the even-year odd-year ups and downs

Movies Lead the Way for Disney

Getting people into the theater paid off for Disney Corporation
U.S. Congress

Congressional Earful for FCC on Duplex Gap

Members of both the Senate and the House of Representatives added their voices
Charter Communications

Charter Grows ahead of Merger Review

The second quarter of 2015 was in many ways a good one for Charter

CBS, Cable ONE, TEGNA, Tribune, Padden

News from around the television dial

Big Bucks for California Class A

A low power television station which enjoys the all-important Class A status

Class A Station Facing Downgrade

For a while there, the FCC was pruning the roster of Class A low power stations

New York: Keep Our Duplex Gap Clean

It’s not only broadcasters that oppose the FCC’s plan to cram television stations

Meredith: Stay Away from the Light

That’s as in lighter-than-expected guidance

AT&T Set to Offer Package Deals

With the acquisition of DirecTV under its belt for two weeks

For Gray, First the Neuhoff Stations, then Neuhoff

Gray Television has been by far the biggest accumulator of acquired television stations

Recently Acquired Station Agrees to Decree

A Salt Lake City is has a transfer application pending at the FCC

NTA Joins LPTV Outcry

That’s NTA as in National Translator Association

FCC Set to Take another Stab at Auction Procedures

The incentive auction plank that was scrubbed from the FCC’s July open meeting