Turn Your Anchor Tosses into Anchor Teases

The weather toss and the sports toss are the two places in a newscast when on-air talent get to shine.  Most shows are so...

Reinvention Process: Reposition

We are now on part four on the topic of reinvention in a six part series that started several weeks ago. Now is a good time to think of

Did I mess up at my audition or were they just not hiring?

After reviewing the job openings board for radio and television, Susan eyed a co-host position at a nationally syndicated show. Her resume

Increasing ratings and revenue: Should you focus on promotion or programming? – Part 3

Discipline is paramount in programming radio stations. Lack of discipline can

Early look at 2012 US Senate races

One of the most exclusive organizations in this nation is the United States Senate. It is generally difficult to get in, particularly for residents...

Confidence up slightly, as are prospects for holiday spending

It is not even close to time for Munchkins to take to the streets and start singing “Ding Dong the Recession’s Dead” or anything...
Mary Collins

Employment trends: How will they affect your career and recruiting decisions?

The Financial Manager’s Perspective: “Should I stay or should I go?” The refrain in this hit 80s song from the Clash is regaining relevance...
John Pelkey

Don’t Let Interference Interfere With Your Tower Revenue

By John M. Pelkey, Garvey Schubert Barer As much as a broadcaster might be tempted to rent out space on its tower to all comers,...
John Pelkey

Bargain Basement? Purchasing Out of Receivership or Bankruptcy

By John M. Pelkey, Garvey Schubert Barer Buying a broadcast station from a receiver or a trustee in bankruptcy is a little like trying to...

Radio Listeners: the ultimate mobile audience

It’s safe to say we are living in the era of the smartphone. Listeners are tuning in on-the-go more than ever before and Mobile has become too big for any advertiser or broadcaster to ignore. This is a good thing for both stations, advertisers and audiences; there is now the ability to tune in with audiences wherever and whenever in a powerful, relevant way.

Equal opportunities issues that arise as on-air personality runs for office

It’s political season, and somewhere, some on-air broadcast air personality is making the decision that they really

Addressing the Next Generation of Audience Researchers

Everybody knows that you can learn as much from young people as you can teach them, and these days, maybe even more
Bob McCurdy

Our 800 Pound Gorilla

Noting will matter if radio ceases to take care of a key factor.
Francisco Montero

Closing FCC Doors Will Open Doors for Pirates

The FCC has said it is looking into drastic field office cutbacks

Broadcast Station Acquisitions: MYTH No. 12: A Station’s Culture Is Perishable

Erwin Krasnow, Doug Ferber & Bishop Cheen de-bunk the myth that a station's culture is perishable.