Broadcasters Hall of Fame adds Bob Marbourg


Anyone living in or driving through the DC area knows the traffic here is the worst in the nation. That’s, of course, what happens when you have a 1965 interstate and freeway system trying to handle 2011 traffic loads. It could also be a factor in why iconic and much-relied-upon WTOP-FM traffic reporter Bob Marbourg has been named to the Broadcasters Hall of Fame in Akron, OH. He’s been with WTOP since 1979.

Marbourg will be inducted along with the other 2011 class members this fall and honored at a public induction ceremony there. Bob has been observing and reporting on traffic for WTOP since he flew in a Cessna leased by WTOP and has dedicated more than 11,000 hours watching the DC region grow beyond the beltway. 

“We are honored to have a member of our WTOP family join the Broadcasters Hall of Fame.  Bob Marbourg has been a trusted traffic resource to D.C. area commuters for decades. His dedication to excellence in broadcast journalism is unsurpassed and this honor is well deserved,” said Joel Oxley, WTOP SVP/GM.

See Bob in action at his WTOP digs, in a recent RBR-TVBR “Digital Newsroom” article penned by Jim Farley, Vice President of News and Programming at WTOP.