Amazon turns to customers for new campaign

0 announced the “Your Amazon Ad Contest,” a national invitation for customers to create their vision of an Amazon television commercial and compete for $20,000 in Gift Cards. Beginning today, customers can upload their “Your Amazon Ad Contest” submissions to

Customers can upload their “Your Amazon Ad Contest” submissions to Entries are due by 7/17. An Amazon judging panel will review all contest submissions and select five finalists based on:

•Overall appeal
•Likelihood of inspiring viewers to shop with Amazon

Finalists will be announced 8/24, and from that time until Sept. 6, 2009, customers will be invited to view and vote on the Audience Prize winner. An Amazon judging panel will select the Jury Prize winner. Both the Audience Prize winner and the Jury Prize winner will receive a $10,000 Gift Card. If Amazon customers and the Amazon judging panel choose the same video, the entrant will win both prizes for a total of $20,000 in Gift Cards. The Audience Prize and Jury Prize winners will both be announced on 9/21. The winners will receive travel and lodging for two to attend a U.S. film festival where their commercials will be screened.