AM Broadcasters Could Cut Energy Costs With BE Offering


That’s the sales pitch from Broadcast Electronics, part of Elenos Group, which says its newest product offering allows broadcasters to leverage intelligent transmitter power control that analyses modulation characteristics and reduces the power level during programming.

The result? Reduced power consumption and consequently cooling costs, resulting in “significant operational savings.”

The product is the MDCL+, which debuted at the 2024 NAB Show and is being marketed as “a simplified solution to help AM broadcasters.”

MDCL+ employs Modulation Dependent Carrier Level algorithms and can lower transmitter power during periods when the program is louder and quickly recover power during quiet periods. Any increase in received noise is masked by the louder program content. Audio processing is easily adjustable to ensure the best power savings are obtained without affecting received audio quality, BE says.

“We understand all broadcasters are looking to make the most out of their investment in infrastructure and minimize operating costs, without having to replace their transmitter to take advantage of new energy saving technology.” said Rich Redmond, President/COO of the Elenos Group arm. “MDCL+ was designed to allow AM broadcasters to cost effectively and simply upgrade existing equipment without a major overhaul of their transmitter site. We understand that transmitters are major purchases with long operating lifecycle, and we are pleased to be able to help operators extend their investment and reduce costs simultaneously.”