New blood at Young, AP


Television owner/operator Young Broadcasting has announced a new nomination to its board of directors, even as two others announced their retirement. But the real fun appears to be going on over at the Associated Press board, where hot media newsmakers Rupert Murdoch and Sam Zell are joining the board. At Young, Jeffrey S. Amling is the proposed newcomer, as David C. Lee and Leif Lomo make their exit. Over at AP, Zell is joining two other newcomers to the AP Board with full three year terms, Community Newspaper Holdings’ Donna J. Barrett and Gannett’s Craig A. Dubow. Murdoch is completing the remaining year of Cox Newspaper’s Jay Smith, who is exiting early.

RBR/TVBR observation: Could this lead to newspaper, broadcast and/or major league deals, and maybe even a radio deal, between two of the media world’s highest profile moguls? One thing’s for sure — if it does, AP is going to be perfectly situated to get the scoop.