Introducing a Remote Production and Streaming Tool for TV


CP Communications, which has gained a reputation for products enabling live event productions, is rolling out a remote production and streaming platform it says was built specifically for modern live sports and news production challenges.

The release of CamSTREAM SRT comes as CP continues to expand its Red House Streaming (RHS) CamSTREAM line to meet changing REMI production requirements.

Like previous models, CamSTREAM SRT provides content creators with a PTZ camera and tripod, video encoder, and return monitor to remotely shoot, record and stream live content.

An internet connection is required to stream acquired contact to a studio or the web.

This is the first RHS CamSTREAM system to leverage the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) open-source video transport protocol, developed and pioneered by Haivision, which optimizes streaming performance.

CamSTREAM SRT is also the first RHS CamSTREAM system to integrate Haivision’s Makito X2 encoder, which supports ultra-low latency streams and establishes a secure VPN tunnel to and from the studio over a local area network (LAN).

When paired with a Haivision Makito X2 decoder, users have return video to the onboard 10-inch monitor along with IFB audio. The Makito X2 encoder can be swapped for a Mobile Viewpoint Agile Airlink bonded cellular encoding solution where LAN connections are unavailable.

CP Communications is a North American distributor for both Haivision and Mobile Viewpoint products.

CamSTREAM SRT is also offering new options for RHS CamSTREAM customers, including options for remote teleprompting and DMX lighting control. The latter communicates with cloud-based DMX control software to turn lights on and off, change color temperature and adjust brightness, among other settings. All DMX control is enabled over IP between the studio and the remote production site using the same secure VPN tunnel.