FAB: More info needed to comment on auction


LPTVFree Access & Broadcast Telemedia believes that some essential facts are missing from the record of the incentive auction proceeding, and that the comment period should be extended by whatever amount of time it takes for the facts to become available.

FAB is an interested party in the LPTV business with strong opinions about how the auction is run.

It is concerned that the Greenhill Report which published compensation estimates for participating television stations by market wasn’t available until 10/1/14.

Even more critically, the underlying assumptions supporting Greenhill’s estimates remain an unknown, according to FAB, particularly in regards to the thousands of LPTV stations that figure to be affected by the auction and the station repacking that goes with it.

FAB says it is impossible to discuss the auction without access to Greenhill’s base assumption; and further, that it will take at least two weeks to study them once they are available.

FAB is requesting that the proceeding be tolled, beginning on 12/29/14, until the information is available and an adequate study time has elapsed.

FAB is represented by Melodie A. Virtue of Garvey Schubert Barer and Glenn B. Manishin of Troutman Sanders.