WNJO-FM on-air after transmitter soaked by Sandy


New Jersey Public Radio’s transmitter (90.3 FM) in Toms River, which went dark 10/29 during Superstorm Sandy is back on air as of 12/14, Jennifer Houlihan, spokesperson for New York Public Radio, tells Current.org.

The transmitter was reportedly swept out to sea during the storm, but WNYC-FM NY’s engineers found it intact when they gained permission to visit the site.  The storm did knock out electrical power and telephone access to the transmitter, and engineers had to request permits and inspections from local authorities before they could finish the repair job.

Three other New Jersey transmitters operated by New York Public Radio resumed broadcasts 11/3, according to a letter that NYPR President Laura Walker wrote to listeners. On 11/6, CPB presented WNYC with $250,000 in emergency grants to aid in its recovery efforts.

See the Current.org story here