Winning In Radio and TV: Sean Compton


The eagerly awaited Fall 2023 edition of the Radio + Television Business Report printed quarterly magazine will be distributed at Forecast 2024, the industry’s most prestigious leadership conference.

Among the features in this information-packed edition is a cover story with Nexstar Media Group President of Networks Sean Compton.

As readers will learn, Compton has emerged as perhaps one industry leader who best understands radio and television. This exclusive interview delves into the challenges and opportunities for broadcast media from his perch.

What else can Members enjoy with their print copy of our Fall 2023 RBR+TVBR magazine, distributed exclusively at Forecast 2024 on November 15 in the City of New York?

  • Broadcast TV’s Forward Momentum —A TVB Forward 2023 review feature that offers content from the Executive Summit and virtual conference held Sept. 21. Topics include ad trends for broadcast TV; FAST channel growth; and digital opportunities for free-to-air television.
  • RBR+TVBR’s Top Local TV Leaders List—The RBR+TVBR reader-driven rankings that salute the station-level leader will definitely be different in 2023, as last year’s No. 1 honoree has moved on. This list only appears in the Fall 2023 Special Report.
  • Standing Tall In A Competitive Tower Environment—RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson chats with Vertical Bridge VP/Broadcast Gary Hess at the company’s Boca Raton, Fla., headquarters about the broadcast tower environment in an age where ATSC 3.0 and 5G dominate the client conversation. Hess practically invented the broadcast tower business!
  • Washington’s Wild Ride—As the third quarter of 2023 concluded, a series of events unfolded Inside the Beltway that captivated the broadcast media industry, and nation. But, how does all of this impact Radio and TV? Foster Garvey attorney Brad Deutsch shares his views.


Secure your registration to Forecast 2024 today. See you on November 15 at The Harvard Club on West 44th Street in Midtown Manhattan.

The digital version of this publication has been distributed to RBR+TVBR Members. Not a Member? Click here to ensure your getting everything you need to lead in 2024! Unlock all of the features a RBR+TVBR Membership gives you — including access to every story in our Afternoon Headlines E-mail. Now is your best time to invest in your company’s future. Join your peers and become a Member today, or return as a Member. Your VIP privileges await.