The InFOCUS Podcast: Tim Kay, Ampersand


Politicians in the U.S. are pouring dollars into social media, betting on likes and shares to capture the attention of younger voters. But, before broadcast radio sales executives should frown upon hearing that news, new data show that’s not where the most influential voters are consuming content. Where, prey tell, would that be? Why, linear television, says TV advertising specialist Ampersand.

To learn more, Tim Kay,  Ampersand’s VP of Political Strategy, joins the InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FM, from Silver Spring, Md., to discuss how the fundamentals of political advertising have not changed, but politicians looking to pour campaign dollars into social or SVOD should consider “a mixed media approach” instead.

Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast: Tim Kay, Ampersand” on Spreaker.