The InFOCUS Podcast, NewFronts Edition: LATV


In early April, LatiNation Media became the parent brand of LATV, or “Latino Alternative TV.”

Andrés Palencia, Chief Executive Officer of LatiNation Media, and President Bruno Ulloa on May 1 delivered an IAB NewFronts presentation at Convene in lower Manhattan, steps from the World Trade Center and Oculus, that offered attendees a fresh new perspective on what LATV has to offer across its multiplatform content creation and distribution platform.

Palencia and Ulloa, following their session, connected by phone with RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson in New York to learn more about how the LATV brand has evolved to become more than just a television station targeting next-generation Latinos, and what marketers and media leaders can learn from their model.

Listen to their conversation in the latest InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FM.

Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast, NewFronts Edition: LATV” on Spreaker.