The InFOCUS Podcast: Jason Hall


Gray Television has certainly made a statement over the last year and a half with its commitment to Telemundo affiliates. How did that come to pass, and did the C-Suite need any education on the growth opportunities that exist in the markets where it seeks to capture Spanish-speaking TV viewers?

That’s a question Jason Hall,  who on October 11 was promoted to Vice President of Spanish Media Sales for the GrayTV Telemundo Station Group. In this InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FMHall shares insights and learnings on how educating and attracting sales leaders to best take advantage of the opportunities that exist by superserving Spanish speakers can reap benefits and strong ROI for broadcasters.

He also teases some forthcoming digital initiatives in the works from Gray Television. LISTEN NOW BY CLICKING ON THE EMBEDDED PLAYER BELOW.

Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast: Jason Hall” on Spreaker.