The InFOCUS Podcast: iHeart’s Q1 2023 Earnings Call


For iHeartMedia in the first quarter of 2023, the net loss widened. Yet, the company had a good quarter. How so? RBR+TVBR went beyond the press release by listening to the entire Q1 2023 earnings call held on Tuesday morning for analysts and investors.

On the call, CEO Bob Pittman shared some intriguing statistics about podcast consumption — and where the audience is coming from. Spoiler alert: It’s not coming from broadcast radio.

Also on the call, COO/CFO Rich Bressler provided some guidance as to how the second quarter of 2023 is shaping up. While digital is up, the linear trends, ex-political, point to more downward movement — as anticipated — for ad revenue.

This InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FMsummarizes the call in less than 20 minutes, giving you all of the information you need to understand where the radio industry’s biggest station owner — and all of Radio in the U.S. — could be heading in the weeks ahead.

Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast: iHeart’s Q1 2023 Earnings Call” on Spreaker.