Telemundo Streaming Studios Leader Added As NYF TV & Film Awards Advisor


NEW YORK — The Vice President of Production and Development for Telemundo Streaming Studios at NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises has been appointed to the TV & Film Advisory Board of New York Festivals Television & Film Awards.

Valeria Fiñana is joining the 17-member Advisory Board panel, comprised of a global assembly of innovative storytellers and industry leaders with expertise across diverse genres.

“As an experienced leader in all aspects of award-winning dramatic and narrative storytelling, her knowledge of the dynamic world of streaming means that we gain the perspective of someone with deep insights into the paths to the future,” said Rose Anderson, SVP & Executive Director for New York Festivals TV & Film Awards.

At NBCU, Fiñana leads the creation and development of entertainment content in short and long format series, films and documentaries across markets including the U.S., Europe, and Latin America.

“It is an honor, this year, to participate in a very special way in this outstanding organization that is committed to honoring the work of dreamers,” she said. “As Alfred Hitchcock would say, ‘There is something more important than logic, and it is imagination.’”

The 2024 TV & Film Awards Storytellers Gala will be streamed on April 16 during the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas. This is the 14th year of NYF’s strategic partnership with NAB Show.

The deadline to enter the 2024 Television & Film Awards competition is December 31, 2023. All Entries in the 2024 competition will be judged online and screened by NYF’s TV & Film Awards Grand Jury of 300+ producers, directors, writers, and other creative media professionals from around the globe. Award-winning entries will be showcased on the TV & Film Awards winners gallery.