Super Hi-Fi Rolls Out ‘NextGen’ Voice Tracking Offering


For a generation of radio industry air personalities, voice tracking has been commonplace at stations both big and small. Now, AI-powered radio services company Super Hi-Fi is rolling out a new product ahead of the 2024 NAB Show that it says blends talent management, shift management, job assignment and voice track recording into one interface.

Introducing Voicetrack Fusion, which Super Hi-Fi says can reduce voice track scheduling and production time. “When we’ve asked our customers what they want most from us, more effective voice tracking has always been near the top of the list,” said Super Hi-Fi CEO Zack Zalon. “We crafted Voicetrack Fusion from the ground up to solve real problems, and to function as a powertool for unparalleled efficiency that we know radio teams will
really love.”

Voicetrack Fusion automatically produces all of the elements around voice tracks and offers Voice Track Scheduling, Powerful Syndications, Automated Alternates, Automated Production and Automatic Mastering.

Voicetrack Fusion is available through the Super Hi-Fi Program Director OS.