Public Speaking by the Numbers: Keys To Mastering Communication


There’s no magic formula for public speaking, but veteran public relations professional and public speaking coach Rosemary Ravinal says there are a host of statistics behind the art of effective communication that may make a difference in your own ability to command the stage. Some of these numbers may surprise you.

In particular, Ravinal shares that 73% of people believe that they would be more successful if they could improve their public speaking skills.

Furthermore, 26% of workers report losing opportunities to advance their careers due to a fear of public speaking.

There’s more: People who fear public speaking typically make 10% less in salary per year.

While mastery of public speaking could bring more career success, timing is everything — or, at least the amount of time you will be speaking for. As Ravinal points out, her experience suggests an audience will pay attention to your presentation for 8-10 minutes; however, you have 7-8 seconds to grab their attention, she stresses.

Then, there is the retention factor. “Audiences typically remember only 10% of what they hear after 48 hours,” Ravinal says.

To illustrate one’s point … an illustration may greatly benefit. Presentations with visuals are 43% more persuasive than those without, Ravinal advises.

Lastly, how much time should one spend preparing for a 60-minute presentation? It could take an entire work week as some top speakers often spend up to 30 hours prepping for that big presentation. “Rehearsing your speech 5-7 times can significantly improve delivery and confidence,” she adds.

And, should that presentation be a soliloquy? No. “Speakers who interact with their audience by asking questions see a 150% increase in engagement,” Ravinal says.

Contact Rosemary Ravinal for details on public speaking training programs or one-on-one coaching services in any of the following areas, in both English and Spanish:
  • Public Speaking
  • Media Readiness
  • Presentation Skills
[email protected]


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