NPRM For Repack Dollars Needs Your Comments


Mark your calendars: The FCC’s Media Bureau has finalized the dates comments and reply comments are due to the Commission in regard to MB Docket Nos. 18-214 and 12-268.

That’s the NPRM that, if approved, would allow low-power broadcast media and FM radio stations to get repack money from the government.

On August 3, the Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and
Order (NPRM and Order) implementing Congress’s directive that the Commission reimburse
certain LPTV, TV translator and FM broadcast stations for costs incurred as a result of the Commission’s broadcast television spectrum incentive auction.

The Commission set deadlines for filing comments and reply comments in response to the NPRM at 30 and 60 days, respectively, after publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register.

The summary of the NPRM was published in the Federal Register on August 27.

Accordingly, comments will be due on or before September 26.

Reply comments are due on or before October 26, 2018.