Mid-West Family Needed New Transmitters. This Was Its Choice


Its a licensee of radio stations that needed redundancy for two of its properties serving the Benton Harbor, Mich., radio market. When it came time to evaluate all of its options, it went to a longtime provider to strike a new deal.

It’s a win for a part of the Elenos Group, as its Broadcast Electronics delivered two Elenos ETG-2000 transmitters to Mid-West Family Broadcasting.

Terry Green, Technical Director for Mid-West Family of SW Michigan, says the Elenos ETG-2000 transmitters have “the perfect balance of compact footprint, high energy efficiency, robust construction and key features like integrated RDS and HTML5 web control.”

The Elenos ETG line of transmitters employ features designed to deliver high efficiency and long-term, reliable operation. All circuit boards have a special coating, coupled with an aluminum chassis to protect from corrosion and deliver longevity. Redundant fans ensure ample air flow for cool operations and a control algorithm keeps the transmitter operating at the highest safe power level even in the event of total fan failure.

Green added that Broadcast Electronics Sales Manager Ben Marth himself drove the transmitters to Benton Harbor from the factory in Quincy, Ill.