Martini Lounge Radio and USPS unveil Sinatra Stamp


Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the passing of legendary American vocalist Frank Sinatra, the United States Postal Service will issue a new 42 cent stamp honoring Sinatra on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008.  The official Philadelphia ceremony and unveiling will be presented by Philadelphia’s Martini Lounge Radio 1340 AM WHAT and broadcast live on the station as well as their internet stream at
Bob Craig, host of Martini Lounge Radio’s “Do-Be-Do Lunch with Frank Sinatra” will serve as master of ceremonies and broadcast the event live on location from South Philadelphia at Galdo’s Catering, 20th and Moyamensing from 11 am to 1pm.  The unveiling ceremony will take place promptly at noon outside, weather permitting.

The public is invited to attend.