But it didn’t go any farther than being on the schedule – other business caused H.R. 1147, otherwise known as the Local Community Radio Act, to be postponed. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) introduced the bill on the floor 12/15/09, but it never made it to a vote and was postponed.
“I am pleased that the House is taking up this important bipartisan measure, as I have long-supported expanding Low-Power FM radio services,” said Waxman on the floor. “This bill removes a statutory barrier to the creation of potentially thousands of new low power stations across the country. The creation of these stations will further the overriding national policy goals of promoting broadcast localism and diversity.”
He added, “I am pleased that the bill includes strong protections against unreasonable interference for incumbent radio broadcasters, as well as a clear dispute resolution process should such interference occur. I want to thank National Public Radio for working with the Energy and Commerce Committee in a constructive manner. I also want to commend the Prometheus Radio Project, the United Church of Christ and other supporters of Low Power FM services for their valuable input.”
Prometheus had been urging its followers to contact their legislators, saying the bill could hit the floor in both Houses of Congress this week.
RBR-TVBR observation: This may be a controversial measure within the radio community, but it is not at all controversial on Capitol Hill any longer. The fact that it’s surfacing again shortly after clearing the Senate Commerce Committee is a strong sign that it is not going to slip through the cracks, and will soon become law.