The effort, launched with “provocative, thought-driven” television ads, uses contrasting imagery of fish and land-based proteins like pork and beef. The ads will be supported by national print coupon insertions in Sunday newspapers, online ads, online social media campaigns and direct-to-consumer communication in restaurants.
Three ads were released this week titled: Methane, Marinated Pork and Final Frontier. The buy includes Discovery, HGTV, The Weather Channel, TNT, ESPN2, USA Network and TBS. Produced by agency Creative Alliance, Louisville, KY, the ads are a bold, memorable way to spark conversation about seafood. More ads are in production.
“Over the last two years, we’ve been evolving our menu and communications to contemporize the brand and make it more relevant for how consumers eat today,” said Charles St. Clair, Chief Marketing Officer. “These new ads are designed to help consumers understand that something new is happening at Long John Silver’s. We’ve introduced more non-fried entrees like our Zesty Asian or Creamy Garlic Baked Cod and Shrimp and more portable choices like the premium Ciabatta Jack Fish Sandwich and our new Dippin’ Fish Strips for on-the-go customers.”
Long John Silver’s provides franchise service, food innovation and marketing support to more than 1,250 Long John Silver’s restaurants in the US and Asia.