Katz Television Group creates national spot marketing unit


Katz Television Group says the unit will help advertisers create solutions to take greater advantage of local television’s impact and effectiveness in engaging consumers. The new effort will be led by Ibra Morales. Morales rejoins from Liberman’s Estrella TV 24-hour Spanish-language network. He was VP/network ops. Morales led Katz TV’s Eagle Television Sales up to 2002.

The new group will focus on creating customized campaigns for national advertisers on behalf of hundreds of television stations across the country. The team will be responsible for leading the company’s creative charge while working in close cooperation with large national advertisers and their agencies in the earliest stages of the communications planning process.

“This new team offers us an unprecedented opportunity to champion local television’s extraordinary advertising impact, reach and flexibility to marketers across the advertising spectrum,” said Jim Beloyianis, President of the Katz Television Group. “Our goal is to utilize our vast TV footprint for the advertising community and to create customized solutions across multiple video, mobile and web-based platforms.”