FCC Incentive Auction Webinar: More questions than answers!


SpectrumEvolution.org (SEO) had the opportunity to participate in the first webinar on incentive auctions held today by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Although it is always beneficial to have the FCC reiterate their position on how incentive spectrum auctions could work, at the end of the webinar, we felt that more questions had been created than answered.

We observed that a significant number of the questions raised during the webinar were directed towards how Class A, Low Power and TV Translator stations would be treated in an auction proceeding. Unfortunately, other than hearing that Class A stations are being considered, it appears there is still no concrete plan to contend with LPTV stations in the auction, based on, “their legal status”.

Our concern continues to be that with Low Power television stations having the highest percentage of both minority and female ownership as well as often being the only stations in markets both large and small, which provide niche foreign language and religious programming, that a solution to allow these stations to be accommodated in any auction proceeding, is essential.

We applaud the FCC for taking the initiative to host this and the forthcoming webinars. SpectrumEvolution.org sincerely hopes they will use the opportunity they had today to hear from the Industry and to find more answers to the prevailing questions.

–Greg Herman, President, www.SpectrumEvolution.org
469-644-4683 [email protected]