Durbin discusses media in meeting with union


In a back-home session with the Illinois Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) reiterated his support for LPFM radio service, and took a swipe at Fox News Channel while he was at it. The session was reported on by the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center.

The support for the low-power noncommercial radio service is not a surprise, since Durbin is a co-sponsor of legislation designed to create more stations. The bill, the Local Community Radio Act, is moving closer to action in the US Senate.

Durbin said he supports the bill because he wants as many sources of information and as many different viewpoints available as possible.

According to UCIMC, he said he wants to hear both sides of the story, and that he too often goes into businesses that are running Fox News Channel on their television sets. He joked that he is often moved to ask, “Could you put anything other than Fox on that TV?”