Disney Names Its Succession Planning Committee Chair


LOS ANGELES — The Walt Disney Co. Board Member who serves as CEO of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has been tapped to serve as Disney’s “Succession Planning Committee” Chair — the first step in what will ultimately be Bob Iger’s departure from the company.

James P. Gorman was selected by the company for the role. He only joined the Disney board earlier this year, and oversaw the recent succession process at Morgan Stanley.

“James is a highly respected leader, and we’ve asked him to serve as the new Chair of the Succession Planning Committee given his deep succession planning experience and long-term strategic mentality,” said Board Chairman Mark G. Parker, who most recently served as the Committee’s Chair. “Succession planning is a top priority of the Board, and I am eager to continue collaborating with James on the Committee as we advance the important work we have already been doing to identify and prepare the next CEO of The Walt Disney Company.”

Gorman commented, “I look forward to working alongside Mark and my other fellow Committee members in advising the Board as we continue to press forward expeditiously with this work.”

In addition to Gorman and Parker, directors Mary T. Barra and Calvin R. McDonald will continue to serve on the Committee. All members of the Committee have direct experience in CEO and senior leadership succession planning for Fortune 500 companies, Disney said following Wednesday’s Closing Bell on Wall Street.

As detailed in the Committee’s March 2024 letter to shareholders, it is working with the board on the review of both internal and external candidates. “Internal candidates are going through a preparation process that includes mentorship from Disney CEO Robert A. Iger, external coaching, and engagement with all Board directors,” the company said.



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