DiPasquale leaning toward KC?


The Clear Channel television group is used to looking to San Antonio TX for its corporate direction, but that is expected to change when Sandy DiPasquale takes over for Providence Equity Partners. And it looks like he'll attempt to supress his frequent flier miles by settling on a central location. The prospective location is said to be Kansas City.

According to the Kansas City Star, the 1.255B acquisition of the Clear Channel group will instantly vault the company to the #14 slot on the US television group chart. The report also notes that a name change will be in the works. It was acquired under licensee moniker TV Acquisition LLC, but it is likely to be renamed Newport TV. At this point, Newport's presence in KC would be limited to headquarters – Clear Channel did not have a presence there – but Newport is looking to expand, and a Fox Kansas City O&O, WDAF-TV, has just come on the market.