De facto coupon deadline at hand


NTIA needs about nine days to process requests for digital-to-analog converter boxes, so consumers who wish to have it in hand in time to buy and install an actual unit will need to get their request in no later than today.

The pace of coupon requests has been picking up as the clock ticks down on the DTV transition – average daily orders were about 68.5K for the past 30 days, but it spikes up to 74.2K if you look only at the last week.
Almost 30M coupons have been redeemed so far, with another 6.45M in the hands of consumers and active. There are nearly 31K retail locations where they are being accepted.

The Commerce Department’s Mobile Assistance Center has four destinations in its immediate future: Dallas TX, Seattle WA, Akron OH and Des Moines IA are among the 20 DMAs getting special attention prior to the analog shutdown.

The FCC will devote its entire June Open Meeting tomorrow to the DTV transition, wrapping up what’s been done and what the outlook if for 6/12/09. Government employees working on the transition will provide their perspective, as will members of stakeholding industries and watchdog organizations.

RBR/TVBR observation: Stay on this – every question answered now is one less angry question that won’t be asked until it’s too late.