CTA CEO Fiercely Opposes ‘AM Radio For Every Vehicle’ Act


With the NAB on June 20 releasing three new radio spots designed to drum up listener support of the AM Radio for Every Vehicle act, RBR+TVBR revisits an April 30 InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FM, featuring Gary Shapiro, the head of the Consumer Technology Association.

In Congressional testimony, Shapiro made it clear why his association — owner and producer of the CES conference — opposes Congressional legislation that would require all vehicle manufacturers in the U.S. to ensure free access to AM radio in every car, truck or van sold across the nation.

This special expanded InFOCUS Podcast includes prepared statements from Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.), who convened the hearing; Subcommittee Ranking Member Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.); House Energy & Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), who is in her final term as a Member of Congress and will not seek reelection; and House E&C Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.).



  1. Our 2017 Tesla Model S has a radio with AM and FM tuners. We use both as the KC Royals’ radio broadcasts are only on AM. Our 2022 Tesla Model Y does not have an AM tuner so listening to Royals’ games in KC can be difficult. Even more important are the low power transmitter “stations” that air information about airports, local weather, highway conditions, etc. Most appear to be on AM, but occasionally use FM. Those only on AM cannot be heard in the newer Tesla. I support legislation that would require AM in vehicles. It is a safety issue.

    (Reposted by Adam Jacobson as it was wrongly placed in a different story by the reader)

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