MMTC calls for commentary

The Minority Media & Telecommunications Council can be excused if it takes time out for a modest victory lap, after its persistent efforts spurred...

A legal eagle eye's view of DTV outreach

Congress has instructed the FCC to educate the people about the upcoming transition to digital television, to forestall a massive case of blank screens...

Congress sends FCC in search of chips

No, the Senate Commerce Committee is not looking for snack food to take with it on its August recess. Mark Pryor (D-AR) believes that...

House panel moves shield forward

32 states and the District of Columbia have laws on the books which protect the right of a reporter to in turn protect the...

House panel moves shield forward

32 states and the District of Columbia have laws on the books which protect the right of a reporter to in turn protect the...

FCC looks into SDBs

Minority Media & Telecommunications Council has asked that the FCC restart its proceeding on media ownership rules since it felt its suggestions on increasing...

Ownership: Consumers groups counter-attack

That didn't take long. Ten FCC ownership studies had barely seen the light of day before Commissioners Michael Copps (D) and Jonathan Adelstein (D)...

FCC study suggests hold on white space devices

The Federal Communications Commission Laboratory has conducted field tests of spectrum devices proposed for unlicensed use in the gaps between television signals, known as...

Copps wants Murdoch buy investigated by FCC

Since the Wall Street Journal is a national newspaper, it has been assumed that Rupert Murdoch’s deal to buy Dow Jones & Company is...

Watchdogs bash FCC studies

That didn't take long. Ten FCC ownership studies had barely seen the light of day before Commissioners Michael Copps (D) and Jonathan Adelstein (D)...

FCC initiates proceeding on DTV consumer education

At the behest of powerful legislators John Dingell (D-MI) and Ed Markey (D-MA), the FCC is looking into how stakeholders can get out the...

FCC posts ownership studies

Late yesterday the Media Bureau posted on the Internet all 10 studies commissioned for the FCC’s review of its ownership rules. Comments are due...

Stevens investigation progresses

Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Stevens (R-AK) is enduring another chapter in the ongoing investigation of his dealings with certain constituents back in...

FCC initiates proceeding on DTV consumer education

At the behest of powerful legislators John Dingell (D-MI) and Ed Markey (D-MA), the FCC is looking into how stakeholders can get out the...

House subcommittee looks into royalties

The NAB calls royalties for airplay a performance tax. Howard Berman's (D-CA) Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property is taking up the...