Blackburn leads cavalry v. FCC

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is all for broadcast localism. She just doesn't believe that the way to achieve this "laudable goal" is to bury...

Massive deregulation bill introduced in House and Senate

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) have introduced legislation which would pretty much eliminate the entire regulatory structure for broadcasting. The bill is being called the Next Generation Television Marketplace Act.

How Much Did Gray Grab From Spectrum Auction?

Gray expects to receive the proceeds from the reverse auction either in Q2 or Q3 2017

Senators say Verizon cable spectrum deal bad for Maryland

Senators Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) have written letters to the leaders of the FCC and the Department of Justice asking them...

CRB Confirms SoundExchange Audit Plan For Salem

A media company largely known for its conservative spoken word AM radio stations and Christian-themed programming has received word that it is to be audited to ensure its royalty payments to SoundExchange over the past three years are up to snuff.

Why You Should Care About Latest Set-Top Box Fight

Nearly all pay-TV subscribers are “chained to their set-top boxes,” according to FCC Chairman Wheeler.
Media Bureau Chief Holly Saurer

FCC Reveals Revised LPTV Rule Effective Date

New DTS rules for Class A television and low power television (LPTV) stations are coming, and we now know when thanks to FCC Media Bureau Chief Holly Saurer.

Martin moves to the Capitol Hill front burner

Winter is slowly starting to take hold in Washington DC, but for FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, it's the heat, not the cold, that is...
Julius Genachowski

Genachowski commits to 2013 NAB Show

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will participate in a session with broadcasters at the big convention in Las Vegas. The 4/10/13 session will be moderated...

One hat in the GOP ring, one out

Iowa broadcasters have seen the last of advertising by former Minnesota Governor Tom Pawlenty. Not to worry, Texas Governor Rick Perry (pictured) may pick up...
John Rockefeller

NAB signals support for violence study

Senate Commerce Committee chair Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) introduced The Violent Content Research Act of 2013” earlier this year, and it is expected to be...

Legislators join group to break Washington gridlock

Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Joe Leiberman (I-CT) have joined with Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) as part of a group called No Labels. It’s...

MVPD nailed by FCC for EEO violations

It’s not just broadcasters who are under the FCC EEO microscope – an MVPD serving parts of Texas has just been hit with a...

FTC offers ad claim guidelines to window industry

The Federal Trade Commission is concerned that some companies make “green” claims about products that are unsupported by scientific evidence. It has offered guidelines...

Item dropped from FCC meeting

No, not THAT item, unfortunately. The white space agenda item that so many in the broadcast, sports, theater and religious arena would like to...