Friday, October 4, 2024

Alex Berkett

Townsquare’s Berkett Surfacing at Viacom

Alex Berkett was one of the guiding lights of innovative radio group
Time Warner Cable

TWC Posts Mixed Q2 Results

Time Warner Cable, which hopes to become part of Charter Communications

Salt Lake City low power trio dealt

A triple play deal in Utah will send stations to a buyer that already has

Meredith Rides Acquisitions to Growth

Television and magazine group Meredith Corporation just finished its fiscal Q4

LPTV Sees no Friend in Wheeler

Executives at two different low power television advocacy groups
Charter Communications

FCC: Charter Applications are in the Building

Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks

TV Duplex Gap Moves put on Hold

The National Association of Broadcasters has persuaded the FCC

DirecTV: Too Big a Buy to Fail

A second major financial watchdog has taken a look at newly acquired DirecTV

LPTV Activist Reacts to Hearing

Two different members of Congress brought up the survival of low power television

Comcast Has Plenty of Room for Improvement

Comcast said it is continuing its full court press to improve the customer experience

Help for Low Powers on the Way?

The LPTV community, which has felt largely ignored in the run-up to the incentive auction

Incentive Auction Issues Aired Out

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler opened his remarks by reminding those assembled that theincentive auction is just about eight months away
Pile of Money

Election 2016: TV Still on Top

It seems that every time we turn around there’s a new advertising platform

Born to Be Acquired?

Until very recently, Cable One was a part of Graham Holdings Company

Meet the New #1 Video Platform

The FCC has determined that the $48.5B merger of AT&T and DirecTV is in the public interest