Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Non-com consortium signs with Arbitron

The Radio Research Consortium has signed a multi-year contract for syndicated radio ratings services in all radio markets that Arbitron measures in the United...

Banks want Clear Channel suit dismissed

The latest legal play seeks to have the $26 billion lawsuit against six big banks by Clear Channel thrown out of the Texas courts...

Analysts lower Cumulus estimates

With no shareholder vote yet scheduled on its long-pending $1.3 billion going private buyout, analysts have been looking at the Q1 numbers reported by...

Lotus Fresno launches new station

KLBN-FM, La Buena, moved frequency from 105.1 to a more powerful dial position at 101.9. The void of format at 105.1 was filled yesterday...

Media Management Group welcomes Dr. Julian Whitaker

Media Management Group welcomed Dr. Julian Whitaker as its newest client. Dr. Whitaker, one of the world's pioneers in Complementary Medicine, is the host...

Regent heading for positive territory

Regent Communications is projecting that Q2 same station revenues will be up 2-4% after the company reported a 2.6% decline for Q1 – still...

Las Vegas and Ft. Myers drag down Beasley; More PPM woes

Those two markets saw double-digit revenue declines in Q1, but COO Bruce Beasley notes that the company, overall, still slightly outperformed the industry with a 4.6% revenue decline.

SCBA hits the LA Times for “fuzzy math”

Did the Los Angeles Times lay off its fact checkers before running last week’s ad claiming that a single ad in the newspaper delivers...

Online at-work listening grows

The portion of American workers who are choosing to listen to radio at work via the Internet as opposed to through a traditional radio receiver grew dramatically from 2007 to 2008.

ESPN's Mike & Mike heads into space

NASA Space shuttle pilot Ken Ham will be taking ESPN with him as part of his personal belongings when his flight launches into space...

Waiting for the uptrend

A week ago RBR/TVBR quoted Arbitron Chief Research Officer Bob Patchen in the monthly PPM client call noting that 18-24 participation in the Philadelphia...

Let’s all sue the banks!

The New York Post reported that Pentwater Capital Management, a hedge fund with a big investment in Clear Channel Communications, has filed its own...

Arbitron’s “Infinite Dial” Study Tunes in Radio’s Multi-platform ROI

By Mary M. CollinsPresident & CEO, Broadcast Cable Financial Management AssociationThanks to the editorial team at RBR/TVBR, we will be sharing news and insights...

Court sets ASCAP royalty fees

Following a federal court decision Wednesday, three major online services will pay an organization representing songwriters royalties of 2.5% of their music-related revenues for...

Arbitron to fight class action lawsuit

Arbitron says it will “defend itself vigorously” against a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of people who bought the company’s stock during a...