Saturday, September 7, 2024

Media Matters for America

Media Matters releases anti-rush ads (audio)

Media Matters released two of the radio ads it plans to use against Rush – and they’ll be airing locally against stations that play...

Cumulus contract with Arbitron runs through mid 2016

Arbitron is very secretive about its contracts with radio companies and has language in those contracts

Rich Greenfield still a bear on Pandora

The latest quarterly figures from Pandora Media sent the stock price lower, but long-time critic Rich
Rush Limbaugh

Media Matters launches anti-Rush radio campaign

The effort to bring down El Rushbo apparently doesn’t stop with reaching out to advertisers to drop
Lew Dickey

Lew Dickey got his payday for a big 2011

The past calendar year saw big changes at Cumulus Media, as the company ballooned in size from the acquisition of both Citadel and

Class action law firm targets Pandora Media

You knew this was coming. A law firm specializing in securities law class action lawsuits is trolling for clients who bought shares in last...
Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith reups with NAB

The National Association of Broadcasters has inked a contract extension with President/CEO Gordon Smith that will keep him at the helm of the organization...
Media Matters for America

Report: Media Matters behind Rush boycott

Looks like we were on track with a recent story that cited Media Matters’ “Twitter Bombing” as the driving
Wells Fargo Securities

Wells Fargo bond analysts do the math on Radio One

Wells Fargo SecuritiesQ4 and full year 2011 financial results for Radio One were far from impressive, but high-yield bond

FCC forwards LPFM/translator proceeding

The Federal Communications Commission didn’t bother waiting around for its March Open Meeting
Robert McDowell

McDowell goes to bat for broadcast on political files

McDowell also addressed spectrum auctions, saying he would do his best to keep the

Local Media TV stockpiles more big market Class A’s

A group of investors with various television investors have acquired low power television assets in

DG dominates the RADAR dojo

Arbitron has released the RADAR March 2012 (RADAR 112) network ratings. The composition this time around is quite different than the

Royalties cost Pandora big bucks

The annual 10-K which Pandora Media just filed with the SEC contains lots of the usual boiler

22 in a row for American newspapers

That’s how many consecutive down quarters US newspapers as a group have now suffered through