Arbitron releases RADAR 93 prelim data


Arbitron released preliminary findings from RADAR 93. 96% of Adults 25-54 with a college degree and an annual household income of $50,000 or above, tune into radio over the course of a week. RADAR Network affiliates (which account for over 50% of all radio stations) reach 85% of this coveted demo. They also reach 86% of adults 18-49 in households with a college degree and an annual household income of 75,000+.

Radio reaches 232 million listeners over the course of the week according to the RADAR 93 June 2007 Radio Listening Estimates. This remains consistent from a year ago. The 7,100+ RADAR Network Affiliated stations reach 82% of all radio listeners.

RADAR Network affiliates have consistent delivery reaching the key young and adult demographics advertisers target; they reach 84% of teens 12-17, adults 18-34 and adults 25-54. They also reach 85% of Adults 18-49.
94% of Black Non-Hispanic persons and 95% of Hispanic persons, age 12 and older tune into radio over the course of a week. Radio reaches 95% of Black Non-Hispanics and 96% of Hispanics age 25-54 over the course of a week.

Radio reaches 94% of college grads age 18+. 96% of adults 18-49 with a college degree and an annual income of 75,000+ tune into radio over the course of a week. On 6/ 25, Arbitron will release the complete RADAR 93 Radio Network Audience Report results.