An ‘Audio Attention’ Report Comes From Veritonic


A product designed to give advertising a boost in the broadcast radio and on-demand audio space has been brought to market thanks to a partnership between audio analytics and research firm Veritonic and computer vision and attention AI company Realeyes.

Now available is the “Veritonic Audio Attention Report,” which provides data-backed insight into the importance of creative efficacy programs for audio and podcast advertising.

“Audio is one of the most immersive, affective, and effective media channels available to brands and advertisers today, yet it’s still not getting the focus and investment it deserves,” Veritonic says. “Consequently, those advertisers who seize the opportunity to invest in impactful audio advertising stand to gain remarkably outsized returns. This potential is further magnified when advertisers embrace innovative creative measurement tools, ensuring that their audio ads are finely tuned and optimized for their discerning listening audiences.”

Veritonic demonstrated the capabilities in the on-demand audio space, when hundreds of podcast listeners opted-in to listening to a handful of podcast ads for an unnamed vitamin subscription service with their webcams enabled. Realeyes’ PreView technology captured and overlayed their self-reported reactions to the ads with the passive attention and reaction metrics captured via webcam.

“We are dedicated to collaborating with forward-thinking leaders to deliver unparalleled data and insights to advertisers, brands, agencies, and platforms around the world,” Scott Simonelli, Founder and CEO of Veritonic, shared. “Realeyes’ expertise in measuring and categorizing human responses to sound, leveraging the largest culturally sensitive AI training set, perfectly complements our decade-long refinement of AI-powered audio measurement and optimization solutions. This unique combination allows us to provide advertisers and brands with unprecedented insights into audience reactions to audio and podcast ads—cognitive, emotional, and physical. We take pride in offering a level of insight for audio advertising optimization that has never been available before, contributing to the success of podcast and audio advertising globally.”

Among the key findings from the report:

· The proportion of the ad where people had sustained attention (did not look away or get distracted) was the weakest for audio ads with voice overs that were low in volume, at 10% below the benchmark

· The proportion of the ad where people had sustained attention was similarly weak for audio ads that contained many competing sonic elements (lengthier messaging, 3+ sound effects + music), at 7% below the benchmark

· Attention quality was highest for the audio ad that had the highest voiceover volume (36%) as opposed to the ad that had the lowest voiceover volume (27%) and the ad that had too many competing elements within the creative (25%)

· 75% of participants reported a good quality audio ad positively influences their consideration to purchase a product

To download the report in full, visit