A Small FM Faces Silence Over Very Late Fee Payments


It’s a 6,000-watt FM radio station serving West Alabama communities including Thomaston and Newbern. “In an area where the majority of the population enjoys … a growing disposable income, WVFG is clearly a leader,” the station says on its website.

Yet, WVFG-FM in Uniontown, Ala., faces a license revocation hearing. Why? Overdue regulatory fees could be the ultimate cost for the station’s owner.

An “Order to Pay or Show Cause” was dispatched on Monday (8/14) to Jones Communications Ltd. by Media Bureau Chief Holly Saurer and FCC Managing Director Mark Stephens that gives the licensee a stark choice: pay up, or forfeit your station.

The Media Bureau and Office of the Managing Director have sent other delinquent licensees such notices. However, in multiple cases years of delinquency may be involved.

In the case of WVFG’s parent, unpaid regulatory fee debt for 2021 and 2022 totaling just $2,851.28 being put to the test.

Breaking down the monies owed, WVFG has regulatory fee debt of $1,372.94 for FY 2021 and $1,478.34 for FY 2022. While additional charges will continue to accrue on these
debts until they are paid in full, the threat of a license revocation for under $3,000 in debt is newsworthy.

What’s the next step for Jones? Pay up, or explain why the delinquency has transpired, in the hopes Saurer and Stephens will show mercy and allow WVFG to continue broadcasting.