A Fresh Review of the U.S. Media Sales Landscape Arrives


The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) has released its latest annual report on the state of media sales in the U.S.

What’s the key takeaway from the latest Media Sales Report?

“The past few years, we’ve seen major changes in the media sales industry and drastic shifts in the way managers lead and sales teams operate,” said CSS CEO Matt Sunshine.

Compiling data from two surveys conducted in Q4 of 2022, the report studies the media landscape over the past year, including the expectations for sales managers and the strategies employed by media sales professionals to assess their impact across five key topics: Sales Department (Structure, People, Compensation), Learning and Development, Setting Appointments and Sales Process, Sales Enablement, and Industry Outlook and Culture.

To gain insight on industry trends and happenings, two sample groups were surveyed representing Sales Managers and Salespeople in Radio, TV, Digital, Newspaper, and Cable. The majority of all respondents were industry veterans with 11+ years of media sales experience representing a balanced cross-section of market sizes.

The findings suggest 2022 was a year defined by a handful of clashing perspectives. While sales managers and salespeople agree in more than a few key areas (recruitment is as hard as ever, sales team sizes need to increase, appointments remain elusive, and continual learning & development is of high importance), there are a few discrepancies that warrant increased focus:

  • Sales managers and salespeople are looking for different “hybrid” schedules
  • Too many salespeople wouldn’t recommend their workplace to others
  • Neither group shares the same level of optimism for the future

“Through enhanced efforts in enhancing company culture, improving the quality of sales enablement resources, and hiring new top talent, hopefully these gaps won’t be as wide come this time next year,” Sunshine said.

To download the full report, visit css.buzz/mediasalesreport.