Former RAB Head Miles David Dies


NEW YORK — The President/CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau from 1966 through 1983 has passed away at the age of 98.

In a statement, the current President/CEO of the RAB, Mike Hulvey, commented, “We were saddened to hear about the passing of Miles David. To this day, we honor and remember Miles’ tenure at the RAB as numerous initiatives and efforts that he led and innovated continue to be some of RAB’s hallmark products and services.”

These include the Radio Sales Today feature, research Instant Backgrounds, sales training and the introduction of RAB’s sales and management conferences. “He led a wonderful life of service and leadership and I personally thank him and am privileged to continue his legacy at RAB,” Hulvey said.

Saralee Hymen Rosenberg, who worked at the RAB as Director of Station Relations from 1976-1980, also offered comments. “Miles David was my first boss after graduating from college in 1976 and I had no idea how lucky I was to get to work for such an extraordinary man,” she said.

Miles David, former RAB head
Miles David

“He was brilliant and innovative but also kindhearted with a great sense of humor. As President of RAB, he was responsible for groundbreaking ad campaigns to elevate radio’s stature among advertisers and agencies, using the comedic talents of Stiller and Meara, Bob and Ray and Dick Orkin and Bert Berdis, among other personalities, to promote radio’s intimate relationships with listeners.”

Rosenberg also noted how David helped develop a “Radio is Red Hot” campaign, which saw the distribution of a red transistor radio to executives to keep radio front of mind when deciding on advertising strategies.

David is survived by his wife of 71 years Florence (Cotton) and their children, Amelia, Heidi, and Steven. During the Second World War. David served in the combat engineers. Later, during the Nuremberg trials, he reported on the courtroom activity for Stars and Stripes.


A shiva is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon (6/4) from 2-6pm and on June 5 and June 6 between 4:30pm-8:30pm at Carlton Towers in Lenox Hill, located at 200 E. 64th Street. The family requests donations in his memory be made to Feeding America.