Jacobs Fielding Latest Air Personality Study For Radio


Jacobs Media is once again seeking feedback among on-air personalities, shows, teams, and producers across the U.S. for what it says is the only survey of air talent in commercial radio.

The return of AQ5 is the fifth for Jacobs Media, and it examines the mindset and perceptions of air personalities across the nation and how their jobs and lives are changing in a fluid media environment.

From their understanding and concerns of the impact of Artificial Intelligence on radio to their need for having a “side hustle” (or not), AQ5 provides what Jacobs Media says is “a trended look at what both motivates and disheartens talent in 2023.”

It is a confidential survey, and includes crosstabs by market size, company type, and daypart, along with a trended look at how many hats respondents are wearing and their feelings about the state of broadcast radio and the companies that employ them.

“It will help broadcasters better understand how air talent thinks and plans both on-the-air and off, and how their roles may be changing,” Jacobs Media says.

A summary of the findings will be presented on August 10 at Morning Show Boot Camp 35 in Dallas by Jacobs Media President Fred Jacobs.

On-air talent in commercial radio in the U.S. can take the survey by clicking the link below. In addition, those now out of work in radio are encouraged to take the survey if they were on the air at any point during 2020-2022.
