From Journal To The Chopping Block: Behind The Scripps Sale


Nearly three years ago, on April 1, 2015, The E.W. Scripps Co. completed its merger with Journal Communications. With that, a spin-off of each company’s publishing operations created Journal Media Group (acquired by Gannett in October 2015), as Scripps focused on local TV, the roll out of an over-the-top news network, and developed syndicated daytime TV programming.

Then, there were the radio stations Scripps inherited from Journal. Even with TV cross-promotion opportunities in five markets, ownership of AM and FM stations wasn’t meant to be for the Cincinnati-based media company, as Scripps announced Thursday (1/25) that its put its 34 radio stations up for sale.

The possible future for these properties is already the top discussion topic in the media brokerage community. A look at the most recent past could provide a fuller look at these now-available stations for potential buyers.

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