EAS: FCC waves off waiver request


FCCThe deadline to install new EAS equipment was extended several times, but when the final day came, 15 separate entities had filed for temporary waivers to buy still more time. That was in June of last year – now at the request of the entities, the withdrawal of the waiver applications have been granted.

The companies include:
Opus Broadcasting Systems, Inc.
Valley Public Television, Inc.
Uno Radio Group
Windstream Lakedale, Inc.
Venite Adroemus, Inc.
Pene Broadcasting Co., Inc.
Americus Communications, LLC and RLM Communications, Inc. (jointly)
Port St. Lucie Broadcasters, Inc.
West Central Minnesota Educational TV Corp.
Baja Broadband Operating Company, LLC
Southern Communications Volunteers, Inc.
Applegate Media, Inc.
Blanchard Cable, Inc.
MetroCast Communications of Mississippi, LLC
Caballero Acquisition, Inc.
Rainbow Communications, Inc.

There were various reasons that the companies were going to miss the deadline and therefore sought a waiver, but those difficulties have been cured, prompting them to seek permission to withdraw the waiver requests.

The FCC complied with that request. It also dismissed the requests at the same time.

And so it goes.