Watchdog takes on Disney in Florida (video)


The Institute for Liberty is a small business advocacy based in Washington DC, and it has taken an interest in an attempt by the Florida legislature to approve the creation of destination resorts in the state, and to upgrade the state’s gaming laws. IFL is upset about Disney’s opposition to these moves.

Specifically, IFL accuses Disney of hypocrisy and doublespeak. It suggests that while it says it opposes the legislation for moral family-oriented reasons, in actuality it opposes the legislation because it would potentially create new competition for Disney businesses.

It has released a 30-second television ad stating its case.

“Disney has taken the public position of being morally opposed to gaming, while quietly profiting from the licensing of cartoon characters to online casinos,” said Andrew Langer, president of IFL. “Disney’s opposition to the construction of new, job-creating destination resorts has nothing to do with protecting Florida’s family-friendly image, and everything to do with protecting its own bottom line and stomping out any potential competition. That goes against the basic principles of free markets.”

Langer noted a report saying that Disney cut 1,400 jobs in the state, and believes that it has no call to oppose any proposal that could create jobs there.