Vizrt Teams With Dalet For Newsroom Boost


A company known for real-time graphics and live production products for content creators in the broadcast media space has integrated its flagship newsroom HTML-based templated graphics system with Dalet Galaxy five.

This gives the Viz Pilot Edge from Vizrt the ability to help journalists “create story-centric, engaging content faster and more efficiently.”

Vizrt adds that the integration is designed “to ensure speed, efficiency, and fast turnaround of stories in the often time-critical live news production environment.”

Ionut Pogacean, Senior Product Manager for Viz Pilot Edge, comments, “This collaboration is a step forward to give journalists the independence and power to elevate storytelling with visually compelling content that audiences expect. Newsroom efficiency is enhanced by streamlining the news production process with integrated workflows that reduce time to air for breaking news and scheduled content. Journalists will be able to use the most powerful HTML newsroom graphic plugin on the market, Viz Pilot Edge, in their Dalet Galaxy NRCS to populate stories with graphics and so much more.”