"Urban Radio in the PPM World" studied


Urban radio has an unmatched ability to reach and motivate African American consumers on behalf of advertisers and marketers, according to a new presentation by ROI Media Solutions that debuted at Interep’s 9th Annual "Power of Urban Radio Symposium."  

Based on the insights into the radio audience from PPM system, the presentation shows that radio continues to be a very influential medium among African-American consumers – reaching 97% of all Black persons age 12 and older each week.  Black audiences continue to be extremely loyal to Urban radio. 75% of all African-American listeners age 12 and older spend most of their listening time with Urban radio, their number one format preference.
Other key findings include:
Urban radio is the best way to effectively and efficiently reach the Black consumer.  In Philadelphia, which is one of two top markets currently measured by the PPM system, over 91% of Black listeners age 12+ listened to at least one the five Urban radio stations over the course of a typical week.
PPM ratings indicate that two thirds (67%) of the African-American daytime radio audience is employed full or part-time.  This is a higher percentage of employed listeners than the overall Philadelphia radio audience (62%).